Let's Reach Your Fitness Goals Together...
Personal Training is something I love doing, which makes my job so much more enjoyable. I work alongside some amazing people and I am there to support them on their fitness journey. Seeing my clients be happy in their own skin, and start reaching their fitness goals, is amazing. My sessions are designed to ensure my clients learn the correct form, are pushed to their limits, but most importantly, are kept motivated and happy!
Before we start, it’s important we get together and outline your goals. It’s ok to ask me questions, I want you to feel as comfortable around me as possible. No individual is ever the same, therefore part of this fitness journey is for me to learn about you and understand you as a person. This then allows me to tailor a session, perfect for you. I offer both online and face-face sessions, helping you reach your fitness goals, no matter your location.
I also offer tailored nutrition plans and recipes to meet your needs and support you through your journey. It’s extremely important to ensure you have a balanced diet that doesn’t cut out or restrict any food groups - no FAD diets, no juice diets, just healthy nutritious food that will give you lots of energy and support your health and fitness goals.
Why Mega-Fit?
Suitable for Beginners
& Advanced individuals
Flexible Schedule & programming
Be happy in your own skin
Learn correct form/technique
Certified Level 3 Personal Trainer